Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Scorpion in the laundry

Here is another movie idea - scorpions in the laundry. But, heck, after Snakes on a Plane (2006 horror film), this seems pretty tame. Still, when Janet saw movement in the laundry basket and uncovered this little honey, we have been shaking out our clothes even MORE than before...

No stings this time, and we released this juvenile into the outside hedge to find a normal place to live.

Having learned that scorpions commonly come in pairs, we looked and looked, but no partner. Whew!

Pizote - bandit of the forest

An elegant racoon-like forager, Nasua narica (White-nosed Coati, local name "pizote"), browses the forest floor and margins of open areas. This chap has become a regular visitor, during the afternoons and at dusk. He moves with slow steady walk, and seems cautious, but not overly afraid of humans. Pizotes commonly form packs of up to 20 or more, and commonly stop on roadsides to be fed by tourist minibuses.

We have developed a love-hate relationship. We like him and he is a pleasant and quiet visitor, but he climbs on the bird feeders and knocks them down. But, easy enough to set up again. Everyone has to eat...

Ambling in for a look-see

Close up. Racoon-like paws (sharp claws!), long padded back feet (slippers), and 3/4 inch long incisor teeth (like a cat). Long nose for sniffing and rooting out goodies.

Close up at dusk. He tolerates close up photos.

Initial response - Growling and chasing with broom (Janet is doing the growling...)

Reconcilliation - now we're all friends.

Janet's Birds

Janet had an idea to put fruit on tips of branches of broken limbs, placed at the edge of our patio as a bird feeder. This plus a non-stop supply of sugar water in the hummingbird feeder has been a big hit with the local bird life (plus squirrels, lizards, a coati mundi ("pizote") and a possum).

The hummingbird feeder attracts many other thin-beaked small birds (brilliant dark blue and azure Red-legged Honeycreepers; the turquoise green and black headed Green Honeycreeper), as well as Hoffman's woodpeckers.

The brilliant yellow and dark royal blue Euphonias are the bold little fellows that come immediately followed by clay-coloured robins (CR national bird), grackles, a kiskadee, blue-gray tanagers, and a couple of aricaris (smallish toucan-like birds).

The highlight is feeding pieces of banana by hand to the aricaris. On slow approach, they cock their head, extend their neck and take banana with their ragged beak, then turn and zoom off to sit in a tree and lift up their beak and drop the banana into their throats.

With all the frenzied activity, a wall of small animals, it looks just like a Disney movie. All they need to do is start to sing and dance in unison to make it complete.

Now the Kiskadee squawks expectantly at 6:30 am, demanding more banana!



Aricari eating papaya on patio

Attack of the Foam!

This could be a plot idea for a grade-B sci fi movie, but I think it is taken - yes, The Fog has already been made (a 1980 so-so thriller from John Carpenter), where a sinister white drifting substance envelopes people and they begin to drop off in gruesome ways.

In our version (based on a true story), a happy, unsuspecting woman (played by Janet) puts a load of laundry in the automatic washer and a normal amount of laundry soap. She returns to the laundry room shortly after and with a shout of utter terror, sees water on the floor and oozing white foam emanating from the wall!! Now THAT is a plot twist. She calls her husband (played by Scott) and together they do battle with the oozing malevolent white substance that seems to know no end. Out it pours, forming a growing white mound creeping for the door... With broom, bucket, rags, with bare hands, they battle for minute after minute... until the tide slowly turns and the foam is beaten back and recedes into its lair of pipes mysteriously plumbed in this house....

Well, OK, maybe not a killer idea for a box office hit. But, it happened to us!

Our laundry room was originally meant to have a utility sink, but it was never put in. The drain pipe intended for the sink was just taped over, and this was joined to the drain from the washer. There was a blockage in the overall drainage outside. The water here is extremely soft, so a little detergent makes mountains of foam. Join these together and you have a recipe for danger! The laundry discharge built up behind the blockage and the foam pressure burst through the tape, oozing out of the wall (see stills from the movie trailer below).

We have now fixed the blockage and use much less soap. Life has returned to normal in our pleasant town (until the next visit of The Foam!!!)

Foam oozing out of wall ready to swallow up unsuspecting laundry users

Close up of The Foam, before our frontal attack. It was touch and go for whole minutes. There was talk of evacuation, but we kept at it and beat it back!