Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pizote - bandit of the forest

An elegant racoon-like forager, Nasua narica (White-nosed Coati, local name "pizote"), browses the forest floor and margins of open areas. This chap has become a regular visitor, during the afternoons and at dusk. He moves with slow steady walk, and seems cautious, but not overly afraid of humans. Pizotes commonly form packs of up to 20 or more, and commonly stop on roadsides to be fed by tourist minibuses.

We have developed a love-hate relationship. We like him and he is a pleasant and quiet visitor, but he climbs on the bird feeders and knocks them down. But, easy enough to set up again. Everyone has to eat...

Ambling in for a look-see

Close up. Racoon-like paws (sharp claws!), long padded back feet (slippers), and 3/4 inch long incisor teeth (like a cat). Long nose for sniffing and rooting out goodies.

Close up at dusk. He tolerates close up photos.

Initial response - Growling and chasing with broom (Janet is doing the growling...)

Reconcilliation - now we're all friends.

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